Monthly night 24.5x28.5 cm

Monthly night 24.5x28.5 cm

Size:24.5x28.5 cm
Manufacturer:Charivna mit
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Charivna Mit is a Ukrainian picker of goods for handicrafts, who managed to win the trust of rich handicraftsmen.

This is a beautiful, beautiful, enchanting picture of the Monthly Night. Charivna Mit. The cross stitch set creates a quiet atmosphere in the room and adds a touch of color. Refresh and increase the accessibility of your internet.

To the warehouse set M_syachna n_ch v_d Char_vna Mity to enter: іnstruktsіya; color symbol scheme; canvas Aida 16; floss Madeira - 25 colors; head.

Embroidery technique: "cross" and "back neck".

Під ТМ Charivna Mit there are a large number of sets and schemes for embroidering various embroidery techniques, sets for creativity, and among such leathers you can choose a set for your taste. Assortment of insurance coverage on a wide range of spozhivachіv - vіd pochatkіvtsіv to dosvіdchenih needlewomen. Commodities Charivna Mit are equipped only with high-quality and environmentally friendly materials, the work with which will bring one satisfaction.

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