Summer is quiet. 33x23 cm

Summer is quiet. 33x23 cm

Size:33x23 cm
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Create a picture at once from Summer silence. Type for cross-stitch embroidery. The picture is minimalist, as if it brings peace and calmness, it is clumsy in the vikonanna and is well received by connoisseurs of embroidery.

Collect Summer silence to revenge: canvas Aida 16 from 100% bavov; floss threads - DMC wound on the organizer or on plastic bobbins; Pony head (India); Kolorova Rakhunkov scheme; short instruction.

Looking after the embroidery: After finishing the embroidery, as it is necessary, rinse the picture in a light, mile-long pattern, and then by clean cold water. Dry virib in a straightened look. The embroidery can be worn from the vivorit side at a low temperature regime. To frame the picture in a frame of a clear view, and, behind a bazhanny, an anti-reflective slope. Respect! Floss embroidery can shed at a temperature of over 30 degrees, and also burn under direct sleepy changes or with a lamp.

P.S. Frame and passe-partout are not included.

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