Gilka lily

Gilka lily

Size:28x40 cm
Manufacturer:Bead Patterns
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Virobnik?Pictures with beads?are presented on the market?do it widely and don't get tired of pleasing your shanuvalniks with an expanded assortment of plots and motives. The founders of the brand are two experienced knitters with great experience, who can and want to share the knowledge of their clients. Creating new stories, spіvrobіtniki? Paintings with beads? help in the life of such an authentic art as a embroidery and give it a new sound and a friend of life. Gilka lily. The scheme for embroidery with beads? Overruled on gabardine. The thickness of the fabric allows the material to be worn through the beads, with which you will not have problems with piercing the fabric with a needle. Beads are not completed. At your request, our managers will pick up the necessary beads.

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