Magnet Unsafe Reds

Magnet Unsafe Reds

Size:7.3x9.8 cm
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The embroidery kit will help you create an original refrigerator magnet or decorate any other metal surface.

The varied theme of sets on a plastic base from the Kolyorova TM will definitely not deprive you of interest!

The set includes: plastic canvas; DMC floss and needles for floss; additional decor (magnet, fabric for the collar with applied paint); diagram and explanation.

TM "Kolorova" is responsible for the production and sales of blanks for embroidery with beads and threads. The name “Kolorova” was not chosen casually, and even the embroidered garment not only embellishes our calling, but also rosamal our soul. I would like to please all of us so that our life is as colorful as embroidery.

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