Pidviska Gentleman. Nova stitch. Set for embroidery with beads

Pidviska Gentleman. Nova stitch. Set for embroidery with beads

Size:7x7 cm
Manufacturer:Nova Stitch
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Підвіска Джентельмен Nova stitch Набір для вишивання бісером - це двостороння підвіска-прикраса, яка вишивається бісером на перфорованій полімерній основі бісером і декорується намистинами або пришивними каменями Дві деталі вишиваються бісером, при цьому останній ряд схеми не виконується Коли обидві деталі будуть вишиті, вони зшиваються між by yourself when embroidering the rest of the row

Tsya yaskrava embellishment-pіdvіska, like you will become an original embellishment to new saints

To the warehouse, the Gentleman set includes: base (Perfostitch) for embroidering perforations of plastic with a small scheme applied - 2 pcs; beads Preciosa Ornela (Czech Republic); beads Slovenska Busa; sew-on stones; needle for embroidery with beads; thread for embroidery with beads; paper scheme; instruction

You can embellish bags, backpacks, pouch, add farb to your car or phone with a embroidered pidviska

For over twelve years already, the Ukrainian collection of goods for needlework NOVA SLOBODA (Nova Sloboda) helps the masters to create their own masterpieces with their own hands

The range of products presented in the catalog of the company Nova Sloboda is great, to avenge: sets for embroidery with threads; sets for embroidery with beads; sets for sewing lyalok and other

Through the efforts of creative fahivtsiv of the company, the assortment is regularly replenished

The theme of TM NOVA SLOBODA also opposes the midst of impersonal original plots, you will know paintings with mіsk motives, genre pictures and images of women, childish themes, creatures, coma and metelikіv, as well as impersonal other motives

Soak in the original and unique world of needlework in Novaya Sloboda!

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