Spring towel on homespun cloth

Spring towel on homespun cloth

Size:250x50 cm
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We present to you a new TM Kolorova, a collection of blanks for embroidering with beads or threads (cross), as well as in the assortment of the trade mark cholovichі, women and children, blanks for embroidery, towels and pictures. A varied palette is present not only in the logo of the brand, but also the products themselves, which are so diverse and constantly popovnyuetsya.

The cheerful towel is not just an accessory, it is a powerful amulet. The purpose of traditional Slovenian fun. Blank for a cheerful towel to spread under the feet of young people. A cheerful towel on homespun fabric. Blank for embroidery with beads or threads.

Fleece lined up to the towel, but not glued. For clarity, embroidery is a towel of overlays. Also, there is a title key in the recommended color for Preciosa beads and threads for DMC floss, its quantity. The virobnik retains the right to change the colors of beads or threads.

P.S. When you buy our managers can complete with beads and threads.

NOTE: Transmission of colors at the skin monitor is different, so those colors can be adjusted!

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