Santa, come! 14x21 cm

Santa, come! 14x21 cm

Size:14x21 cm
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New river and companion saints are celebrated by the whole world, regardless of geographic location and religion. Whether there is a celebration, it has its own symbol, which raises the mood and creates a uniquely charming atmosphere. For winter saints - tse Dіd Frost chi Santa

Together with Santa, come! You can see a beloved hero, who will delight you and your loved ones more than once.

Leather set of TM Olanta is completed with the necessary materials for creating a beautiful canvas.

To Santa, come!. Set for embroidery with a cross stitch to enter: a needle for embroidery with threads, black and white from the stitching of color symbols, a scheme for embroidery with a cross stitch, Peri floss, canvas Aida Zweigart 16 blue.

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