Rizdvyana mriya. 21x22 cm

Rizdvyana mriya. 21x22 cm

Size:21x22 cm
Manufacturer:Abris Art
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The name of your future masterpiece - Set for embroidered cross stitch "Rizdvyana mriya"

Number of colors: 26

Width of the picture: 210 mm.

Picture height: 220 mm.

Set item:

Package weight: 0.085 kg.

In each carefully collected box after packaging and delivery you will find: the large cut of the canvas (fabric for embroidery) is larger, the lower size of the picture is 220 x 210 mm. - with a sufficient supply so that you can embroider and decorate the finished picture by hand! And also a special head for cross stitch embroidery and all the necessary threads (floss) 26 colors on a hand organizer, especially with a reserve, and you can also embroider with cross stitch in different ways. And most importantly - detailed instructions, a diagram for cross-stitch embroidery, specially developed by our designers for the skin set! The table is so handy and understandable that people, who first want to try cross-stitch embroidery for themselves, and buy a set - all for 5 rubles!

P.S. The collection is not completed with a baguette and a frame - choose them to your taste!

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