St. Martyr Raisa

St. Martyr Raisa

Size:18x23 cm
Manufacturer:Nova Sloboda
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A kit for embroidering icons with beads complete with fabric with a pattern, beads “PRECIOSA (Czech Republic), instructions, beaded thread and clear thread for embroidery with beads. The embroidery techniques included in the kits are clearly described in the instructions. A little diagram for embroidering applications on a special satin fabric, which is easy to stitch and add stitching. The faces and hands of the Saints are not visible. The high brightness of the hand on the fabric conveys a variety of tones and fine details of the image. The set is completed with high-quality Czech beads “PRECIOSA”. Before starting work, we are asked to read a prayer, the text of which is included in our icon embroidery kit.

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